ISB 2025 Convention Schedule of Presenters

As a non-profit organization that puts its revenues back to work for its membership, we rely on ISB members to help make the convention a great experience for everyone who attends. We are grateful for the many presenters over the years who have donated their time, travel and talent as a way of giving back to the worldwide bass community.

2025 ISB Convention Headliners Preview

Scroll down for the complete schedule.

The biennial ISB convention is an international gathering of bassists, collaborative musicians, family members, guests, luthiers and exhibitors. Learn more and make plans to join in the fun, learning and inspiration, June 2-7, 2025 at Florida State University's College of Music.

(Artists subject to change)

Our 2023 Competition Winners

Jacob Warren Photo

Jacob Warren
2023 Solo Competition Winner

Tuesday, June 3
Jared Beckstead-Craan Photo

Jared Beckstead-Craan
2023 Jazz Competition Winner

Monday, June 2

Evening Headliners

Rufus Reid Photo

Rufus Reid

Monday, June 2
Nina Bernat Photo

Nina Bernat

Tuesday, June 3
Brian Bromberg Photo

Brian Bromberg

Wednesday, June 4

Lorraine Campet Photo

Lorraine Campet

Thursday, June 5
Andres Martin Photo

Andres Martin

Friday, June 6
Ron Carter Photo

Ron Carter

Saturday, June 7

5 PM Headliners

Shawn Conley Photo

Shawn Conley

Tuesday, June 3
Szymon Marciniak Photo

Szymon Marciniak

Wednesday, June 4
Martin Wind and Friends Photo

Martin Wind & Friends

Wednesday, June 4

Sam Suggs Photo

Sam Suggs

Thursday, June 5
Jon Hamar with the Jeff Hamilton Trio Photo

Jon Hamar with the Jeff Hamilton Trio

Thursday, June 5
Sybarite5 Photo


Friday, June 6

Daniel Nix Photo

Daniel Nix

Friday, June 6
Kristin Korb Photo

Kristin Korb

Saturday, June 7
Jay Leonhart Photo

Jay Leonhart

Saturday, June 7 (4 PM)

Full Schedule

The following is a tentative list of convention presenters, subject to change. Click on a Presentation Title to see more information about the presenter and their presentation.

Click here for the Convention homepage.

Sort By: Date / Time | Last Name

Monday, June 2, 2025

Name Presentation Title Time
Jared Beckstead-Craan 2023 ISB Jazz Competition Winners Recital 7:30 PM
Rufus Reid Rufus Reid Trio + String Quartet - CELEBRATION 8:30 PM

Tuesday, June 3, 2025

Name Presentation Title Time
Glenn Dewey All You Need Are Three Cool Licks - Using motivic development techniques to craft a cohesive improvised solo using just a few 9:00 AM
George Fahlund Private Lessons: Private teaching as a profession things we wished someone had told us in music school. 9:00 AM
David Spischak Karl Trautsch Complete Edition 9:00 AM
Luis Cabrera Materclass: Solo Repertoire 10:00 AM
Kieran Hanlon Building Community in your Collegiate Bass Studio 10:00 AM
Marcos Machado Tao of Bass Volume 2: Innovative Approaches to Scales and Arpeggios 10:00 AM
Joseph Conyers Masterclass with Joseph Conyers 11:00 AM
Olivier Holland The Personalization of Technique on Jazz Bass for the Left Hand 11:00 AM
Andrew Kohn 2024 Research Competition Winners Presentation 11:00 AM
Samuel Zagnit Bass Players for Black Composers Turns 5 at ISB! 1:00 PM
Andrew Brown Acoustic Measurement Techniques and the Double Bass 2:00 PM
Miles Brown Bright Size Life 2:00 PM
George Speed with Rodney Jordan: The Importance of Collaboration: Lessons from Two University Bass Colleagues 2:00 PM
Masashi Yamamoto Masashi Yamamoto -The Bassologue Theatre- 2:00 PM
Seth Kimmel with Kathy Reilly - Sustainable Wood 3:00 PM
Barry Green 48 years in 48 minutes of Barry's multi-media Green Machine concerts 4:00 PM
Ben Thomas Joint Force Bass Quartet 4:00 PM
Jack Unzicker Simandl's Trout?! Wonderful and underplayed chamber music 4:00 PM
Shawn Conley G Major 5:00 PM
Jacob Warren 2023 ISB Solo Competition Winner's Recital 7:30 PM
Nina Bernat Evening Recital 8:30 PM

Wednesday, June 4, 2025

Name Presentation Title Time
Hagai Bilitzky Higher Fingerboard resolution: Bass and the Music of the Middle East 9:00 AM
Caroline Emery 40 years of the Yorke Mini Bass Project. 9:00 AM
Kyle Motl Sound and Technique Considerations in Contemporary and Improvised Music 9:00 AM
Thierry BARBE Masterclass with Thierry Barbe 10:00 AM
Andrew Binder The New Standards Method: Simandl through Standards 10:00 AM
Hector Tirado Reverie Resonance 10:00 AM
Brian Casey George Morrow: Quiet Brilliance in the Shadow of Masters 11:00 AM
Shanti Nachtergaele A History of Double Bass Humor 11:00 AM
Frank Proto Masterclass with Frank Proto 11:00 AM
Dean Ferrell An Evening Wasted With Joe and Dean 2:00 PM
Daniel Hachez Bass Making 2:00 PM
Tracy Rowell A Rabbath Tribute Recital 2:00 PM
Shane Allessio Shane Allessio Nonet 3:00 PM
Yung-chiao Wei Yung-Chiao Wei and Friends Recital Featuring Bach Violin Partita #3 and Kawakami Quartet with Ju-fang Liu, Han-jui Chen, and Po-yu Fang 3:00 PM
Chuck Bergeron Florida Jazz Bass Quartet 4:00 PM
Christine Hoock Christine Hoock Voice of Double Bass 4:00 PM
Brian Perry Orchestral Masterclass with Dallas Symphony bassist and SMU Professor, Brian Perry 4:00 PM
Szymon Marciniak Young and Old Masters- some premieres and some masterworks 5:00 PM
Martin Wind Remembering Prof. Wolfgang Güttler 5:00 PM
Brian Bromberg Evening Recital 8:00 PM

Thursday, June 5, 2025

Name Presentation Title Time
Sean Casey Teaching Orchestra Excerpts to High Schoolers: A Progressive Guide to Orchestral Excerpts 9:00 AM
Brian Del Bianco Ears To Your Health! How hearing loss looms over the shoulder of every bassist, what to look for, and how to keep it from dropping the curtain on your career. 9:00 AM
Bruce Gertz Harmony From The Bottom Up 9:00 AM
Sarah Favinger Developing Professional Freelance Skills Through High School & Collegiate Ensembles 10:00 AM
Andrew Kohn Planning a Recital Program 10:00 AM
Sam Morel Double Bass Varnishing 10:00 AM
Robert Sabin Thelonious Monk - From the Bottom Up 10:00 AM
Brian Bromberg Masterclass with Brian Bromberg 11:00 AM
Benjamin De Kock Motion Capture, Camera Tracking, Virtual Reality, and AI Tools: Exploring New and Emerging Technologies in Pedagogical Settings 11:00 AM
Paul Nemeth Bowings in the Manuscripts of Bach’s Cello Suites 11:00 AM
Jacqueline Pickett League of Women Bassplayers: who we are/what we do 1:00 PM
Mark Dresser Bass Mapping: Adaptations, Extensions, Inventions 2:00 PM
Indi Stivín Discovering Dvořák 2:00 PM
Gary Upton The Art and Business of Building Your Dream with Gary Upton 2:00 PM
Maggie Urquhart New music on early violones 2:00 PM
Gregg August Premiers for Double Bass: Trios, Duos, Solos 3:00 PM
Ed Barker Masterclass with Ed Barker 3:00 PM
Dustin Williams "Square Table" Meeting - Open to professional luthiers only 3:00 PM
Tianyang Liu Tianyang Liu ISB Double Bass Recital 4:00 PM
franz Pillinger A BOW FOR 3 - variations on Austrias musical identity by PILLINGERMUSIC 4:00 PM
Will Yager New Works for Double Bass 4:00 PM
Jon Hamar Jeff Hamilton Trio 5:00 PM
Louis Levitt Sybarite5: Collective Wisdom 5:00 PM
Lorraine Campet Evening Recital 8:00 PM

Friday, June 6, 2025

Name Presentation Title Time
Chris Fitzgerald Calibration: Designing a daily technical workout to meet your specific musical needs and goals 9:00 AM
Randall Kertz Common Injury Presentations in the Bassist and How To Avoid Them! 9:00 AM
ANDY MORITZ "Scale Skills: A Systematic Approach to Skills Development for the Double Bass" 9:00 AM
Trevor Davis Topic TBA 10:00 AM
Robert Franenberg Johann Mathias Sperger, Life of an Extraordinary Court Musician 10:00 AM
Tyler Shepherd Dounis and the Double Bass 10:00 AM
Gabriel Condon An Analysis of Ron Carter's Performance of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 11:00 AM
John Shiu The Six Figure Musician: Navigating a Successful Freelance, Teaching, and Entrepreneurial Bass Career 11:00 AM
Jiaying Zhang Exploring Pedagogical Approaches and Discussion for Young Beginner Double Bass Players 11:00 AM
Sonia Ray Black Women Bass Players and Creative Processes: Performance and Beyond 1:00 PM
Karl Fenner Recital 2:00 PM
Lloyd Goldstein My A Cappella Bass Sings Songs for the People 2:00 PM
George Martin English Double Basses 2:00 PM
Stefano Sciascia Frame 2:00 PM
John Hamil Young Bassists Ensembles (Arrangments for all levels and ages) 3:00 PM
Thomas Helton Piece for New Basses 3:00 PM
Rob Nairn 'Ask' Duets for double bass and viola by female composers 3:00 PM
Isaline Leloup A Viennese Afternoon 4:00 PM
Nilson Matta Brazilian Voyage 4:00 PM
Scott Worthington Cassini: New work for double bass and computer 4:00 PM
Daniel Nix Daniel Nix and Artem Arutyunyan in Recital 5:00 PM
Sam Suggs Sam Suggs 5:00 PM

Saturday, June 7, 2025

Name Presentation Title Time
Tracy Rowell Young Bassists College Fair 8:30 AM
David Baker Ditch the Amp: Ways to Develop a Resonant Pizzicato Sound on Double Bass 9:00 AM
Utah Hamrick Chordless Duo Playing 9:00 AM
Rufus Reid with Sam Suggs: Etude Book Presentation 9:00 AM
Gaelen McCormick Discovering Our Pedagogical History 10:00 AM
Oscar Stagnaro Latin American Trends 10:00 AM
Dan Styffe US and World premieres 10:00 AM
Susan Cahill A Recital of Firsts: The First Suite of Bach with a newly composed companion suite by Susan Cahill, as well as original works by Susan Cahill 11:00 AM
Paul Ellison Masterclass with Paul Ellison 11:00 AM
Ethan Jodziewicz An Introduction To Fiddle Bowings On The Bass 11:00 AM
Sandor Ostlund Lunchtime Series: Orin O'Brien Movie: The Only Girl in the Orchestra 1:00 PM
Tracy Rowell Young Bassists Concert 2:00 PM
Christie Echols You've graduated, what's next? Building a music career and community 3:00 PM
Jay Leonhart Jay Leonhart Recital 4:00 PM
Szymon Marciniak 2024 ISB Composition Competition Winners Recital 4:00 PM
Mariechen Meyer Basse Danze 4:00 PM
Kristin Korb Sweet Dreams: Celebrating The Eurythmics 5:00 PM
Ron Carter Evening Recital 8:00 PM