I have always loved looking back on our past conventions and thinking about all the great artists and teachers who have shaped and continue to influence our future as bassists. And I think about that 14 year-old in our Young Bassists and ISB Next Generation programs who might become the 2035 headliner!
We are pleased to invite you to submit a proposal to present at the ISB 2025 Convention. Your proposal may be for either the general convention schedule, and/or the ISB Young Bassists (ages 8-18) and/or the ISB Next Generation Program (young players who are closer in age to attending college and are considering a future in the double bass world). The convention will take place on the campus of Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, from Monday, June 2, 2025, through Saturday, June 7, 2025. We anticipate over 1,000 bassists, exhibitors, collaborative musicians, family members, and guests from around the world to attend the concerts, seminars, workshops, lecture-demonstrations, panel discussions, masterclasses, exhibits, Young Bassists and ISB Next Generation programs, and ensembles for non-professional bassists.
In addition to the convention, the ISB will be holding competitions on Monday, June 2, 2025 and Tuesday, June 3, 2025 in solo, jazz, orchestral, and young bassist performance, as well as the tenth biennial ISB Maker's Competition.
As a non-profit organization that puts all revenues back to work for our membership, we are unable to reimburse travel expenses. Additionally, we do not pay appearance fees to any bassists — one of the ISB's long held and guiding principles. We are grateful for the many presenters over the years who have donated their time, travel, and talent as a way of giving back to the worldwide bass community. Presenters do receive a complimentary convention registration for the week, plus badges for their non-bass playing guests and family members at no charge.
We expect to receive a large number of proposals for the ISB 2025 Convention, and we will make every effort to accommodate as many presenters as possible. Typically, there are many more submissions than there are slots, so it is not always possible to accept every proposal in the first draft of the schedule. We do maintain a standby list to fill in when there are cancellations. You might also consider submitting a joint presentation with a fellow bassist. If you would like to research past presentation topics, go to the Online Resource Library, where you can click on and view searchable PDFs of convention programs going back to the 1980s.
If you are interested in appearing at the ISB 2025 Convention, please complete the online proposal form no later than Saturday, May 18, 2024. We hope to send out acceptance and stand-by letters by Thursday, August 15, 2024, and that we'll be seeing you next June at the College of Music in the Florida State University!
Sandor Ostlund
ISB President-Elect
Chair, ISB 2025 Convention
Please read guidelines completely before starting your proposal.
Use the Start a Proposal / Manage My Proposals link at the bottom to view any proposals you've already started or to start a new proposal.
If you'd like to start collecting what you'll need as you enter your proposal, here are some guidelines. You'll be able to enter your Collaborating Performers / Participants (if applicable), upload any required files, and edit your proposal right up until you submit it.
Please have the following required information ready before you begin your submission:
If you are submitting for yourself, please also have this information ready:
If you are submitting for a group or ensemble, please also have the following required information ready:
We will also ask if you would like to be considered as a judge for one of our competitions (Monday, June 2).
In order for your proposal to be considered, you must FINISH AND SUBMIT the proposal. Proposals that have been started but not submitted using the FINISH AND SUBMIT link on the Proposals Management page will NOT be considered, so please do not forget this important step.
If you are having any problems submitting your proposal, please send screenshots of the error messages and text highlighted in red in your submission and email to .