Basses for Sale Ad

If you are a member, please click here to login to receive the member price of $30 / ad.

If you are not a member, please consider joining ISB and to receive the discounted price. Otherwise, you may pay the $100 / ad price by filling out the form below.

Your ad will remain up for one year unless you notify us otherwise. Please fill out a separate form for each bass you wish to sell. Please note that you may submit a JPEG photo of the item if you would like. Images should be sent to with "ISB Internet Ad" in the subject line. No animation, please. Once your ad has been submitted, you will not be able to change the ad yourself.

Click here for the Downloadable Ad Form if you prefer to mail / fax your submission or if you're paying by check.

Sellers, beware of scammers who may contact you pretending to buy your bass by sending a fake check or through other dishonest actions. If you receive an inquiry and are not sure it's a legitimate buyer, feel free to forward the email inquiry to for our review. We will check to see if the inquiry is coming from someone in the ISB's database, for example, and let you know whether or not you should delete the email message without replying. (The ISB assumes no liability for any exchanges or commerce between seller and buyer resulting from advertisements placed on our website.)

Required fields are in red.

CAPTCHA Challenge:  Get a new challenge
Write the characters in the image above.
Seller Name:
Please include your City and State.
If not in the US, please include Country as well.
Email Address:
If in U.S., (###) ###-#### Format
Asking Price:
Please enter price in US Dollars. Do not use commas or any other special characters.
Price Type: Firm
Or Best Offer
Selecting one of these options will cause the chosen option to display after your Asking Price. For instance, $10,000 (if none of these are selected) versus $10,000 Or Best Offer (if the third radio button is selected.
Date Made:
Papers: Yes
String Length:
Maker Nationality:
Performing Capacity: Solo
String Setup: 4-String
Low C Extension
Other —
Shape: Violin Corners
Gamba Corners
Large Shoulders
Flat Back
Carved Back
Additional Description: